In the last posting we looked at five values mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita to be able to maintain or work towards a calm and abiding mind. A mind that is peaceful and free from reactions from the world around us and the actions or words of others or our own ignorance when it rises.
A mind that is suitable then to start to dive inward and begin to understand the nature of the true self and go beyond the limitations of the limited self. In any case no matter how deeply you want to dive or if you want to just dip your toes in, these values are priceless nuggets of wisdom that can help reduce the things that bother us, by acknowleding them and taking them on board we become stronger and more contented. Instead of worrying about small things; that in our minds and through our imagination can turn into bigger things, we become more contented and can spend more time feeling the life that is around us and feeling the life that is within us. And that life is beautiful, so let your consciousness expand by taking a look at these values and by applying them see your pleasantness increase!
In the last post we mentioned - absence of pride, unpretentiousness, non-injury, accommodation to others and straightforwardness. This time we look at -
Serving the teacher or Guru - here the Gita says for you to completely surrender yourself to the teacher so you can receive knowledge. This does not mean that you surrender your intellect blindly and accept whatever you are told. You can not fill a full cup - you have to empty yourself so you can be filled.
This does not mean you are open to exploitation, you still have to make your own decisions and choices, but readiness to serve the teacher represents and cultivates the right attitude.
Purity - You maintain cleanliness both inside and outside your body, your clothes, your house etc., all kept clean by being alert about yourself.
And by being alert about yourself this helps to cleanse the mind.
- Whatever you are called upon to do by your family, society, countrymen or humanity, you do, holding your mind steady. It is our duty and we do it with good intent and enthusiasm.
The results of your action are not your doing, that lies with a higher force, accept them and move on.
- mastery over the mind, trying to not let the ignorant mind gain control over the wise mind. Be aware of your thoughts and do not let negativities rise upward; a wise man sees everything as an opportunity. Do not get involved with gossiping or talking negatively about anyone. Try not to be misled by your own thoughts, we can constantly observe our thoughts and feelings, be aware of them but be unattached to them and know that all things pass, nothing is permanent.
Dispassion towards sense objects - know that the pleasures of the world do not bring happiness; happiness lies internally not externally or with objects.
Try not to be a slave to the sense organs and get caught up in advertisements, and our own likes and dislikes.
One who is not caught up with the fancies of the mind has dispassion towards worldy things and can remain unaffected if one has them or not.
Absence of Egoism - we never achieve anything by ourselves there are always a number of factors, people and considerations that help us achieve anything, remembering this reduces the ego.
We will look at the remaining values in the next posting. For now, with a peaceful, abiding mind, without wants and with a pure, steadfast mind, have beautiful days.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Mangala / Nicky
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