Saturday, June 6, 2020

Herbal tea to Boost your Immunity.

Om Namah Sivaya - Hello Everybody!
It seems like a long time since my last blog posting but here we are now and with a really great and important herbal tea recipe to keep the immune system strong and give you a boost.  I was really honored to be able to attend an ayruvedic lecture this morning with the lovely Dr Shanti Kamlesh and here is his recommendation for this tasty as well as beneficial tea that is easy to make with easily sourced ingredients no matter where you are.  This is not in any way a cure for Covid 19 but it is a strong way to keep healthy and maintain your health alongside your yoga practice of asana (yogic postures and exercise,) meditations and breathing techniques and appropriate diet and lifestyle including enough rest.  So share the recipe with your loved ones and enjoy a lovely cup of tea! I will allow you a biscuit seeing as you have all been so good!!  And it is interesting to see that in countries that use these herbs daily in their cooking such as in India, the actual infection rate especially compared to the population is low, hmmmm the power of herbs from the earth. 
10 grams fresh Basil leaves
10 grams ginger powder
5 grams black pepper
5 grams cinnamon 
5 grams cloves
Boil in half a litre of water for 10-15 minutes then filter, you can add some jaggery or pure honey for taste and enjoy!  
Take morning, lunch time and evening.
Wishing you all peace, time to reflect, time to be with your wonderful self and find that the whole universe is within you. 
Take care of yourself and love yourself please
AUM shanti shanti shanti 
Mangala / Nicky

Dr Shanti Kumar Kamlesh

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