"Neither peace nor health can be gained without first cultivating inner harmony and health for all of humankind. Food for one must be health for all. Prosperity for one must be abundance for all. Harmony cannot be achieved at any level while any form of life suffers." Maya Tiwari
Ahimsa means non violence and taking a vow of ahimsa means it is not something to be achieved or pursued but simply a way of being, it is a state. Being non violent in our hearts, hands and heads, in action, words and feelings, to all living entities and to ourselves, to all our fellow brother and sisters in the form of humanity, to all animals and to all plants, trees, the earth, water, fire, air and space.
Making an intention to Ahimsa everyday - every morning and evening is going to help digest this state into every act you make, every word you say and every thought that pops into your head, and when it is not say a non violent act, word or thought - it will make you more aware of the negativity and help to turn it around to be gentle and positive.
You may approach this in different ways - by making a sankalpa or positive statement and mentally repeating it - sit or stand in a comfortable position and place the palms together infront of the heart center, take a deep breath to collect your spirit and repeat the vow of your choice - such as these below
I take the vow of Ahimsa - I make inner harmony my first priority
I take the vow of Ahimsa - In my thoughts, speech and actions
I take the vow of Ahimsa - To protect mother nature and my food source
I take the vow of Ahimsa - To preserve the heart of peace and love
I take the vow of Ahimsa - To strengthen my power of personnel awareness
I take the vow of Ahimsa - To invest in world peace and the protection of all beings
Or you may like to sit in a meditative pose and repeat with your breath -
Breathing in I calm my body
Breathing out I smile
Breathing in I calm my body
Breathing out I offer peace to the world
Breathing in I take strength from the great spirit
Breathing out a wonderful moment.
Ahimsa is a way of life, actually everything is rooted in Ahimsa - and all battles whatever they may be can be overcome and won by the practice of Ahimsa.
Let us bring positive vibrations of health, harmony and hope.
Wishing you all a mind of peace for the collective mind of peace of the whole universe "Yoga provides a real solution to our health problems, which is to return to oneness with both the universe and the Divine within. This requires changing how we live, think and perceive." Dr David Frawley
Atha Yoga Anusanum - now you are ready for yoga
Atha Yoga Anusanum - now you are ready for yoga
Have beautiful practice and beautiful days
Shanti shanti shanti
Mangala / Nicky