Taking time in Savasana is essential for our wellbeing, to give complete relaxation for the body, the energy and the mental activity, to bring balance and harmony back. We need complete and proper relaxation for the wellbeing of our whole system and this is the only way to take complete relaxation - lie down on your mat, a rug or even on your bed. Take the legs mat distance apart and the arms around 45 degrees from the body, palms facing upward. Allow the head to be inline with the spine, take a deep breath in and a long breath out, repeat a deep breath in and a long breath out and gently close the eyes. Allow the breath to become natural and effortless. Feel the back of your body and where the weight of your body is, where is your body at its most heavy? Where is your body at its lightest. Scan through your whole body from the toes upward to the top of your head and feel all the sensations within you, whatever they may be hold no judgement on them. Then again feel your breath, the movement in your tummy and chest as you breathe through the nose. Begin to completely relax, feeling a sense of letting your body deepen into the mat or become heavier or lighter, allowing your mind to stay connected to the relaxation, feel as if the clouds are dispersing leaving only blue skies. Silently tell yourself - my toes are relaxed, my feet are relaxed, my legs, my knees, my hips are relaxed. My back is relaxed, my spine is relaxed, my fingers, my hands, my arms are relaxed. My shoulders are relaxed, my neck, my head, my face are relaxed. My breath is relaxed, my mind is relaxed. Shanti Shanti Shanti, peace peace peace.
Practice Savasana everyday to rejuvenate your system, bring a fresh outlook and greater clarity.
I am always honored to share the practice with people from all over the world, from all different cultures, all different upbringings, different circumstances, the young, the old, in schools, in hospitals, in studios, in fields, there is always a way and always time.
The journey may take different paths for different folk, they may use different names for different techniques or even the same techniques with different names! But essentially where we are aiming to be is all in the same place, this place of oneness, where there is no bondage, the body, the energy, the mental waves are calm and in abiding peace. There are no storms, no where else to be and nothing else to do, but to simply be resting in your true essence, your true nature, your true self. This is the reason I practice Savasana every day and the reason that you should too.
Become the creator and create beautiful days
Shanti Shanti Shanti - Peace Peace Peace
Please don't hesitate to contact me to find out about classes, locations, workshops etc, or how I can help.
From the heart
Mangala / Nicky
facebook YOGA mangala
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