Sunday, May 29, 2011

Om Namah Sivaya

Om Namah Sivaya, also a greeting used in the same manor as Namaste, the hands are brought to prayer position in front of the heart centre, like forming a lotus bud, a sign of complete balanced energy, the left and right in harmony. So Om Namah Sivaya, namah meaning to salute, Siva being the all auspicious being. So we salute Lord Siva the all auspicious being, however as in Namaste, it is also recognizing that divine being within you, so also it could be said that the meaning is I salute you the all auspicious being.
Yoga Mangala follows the teachings of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu-Devananda, in the time tested ancient techniques and philosophy of classical Hatha yoga.
I pray you will attain, health, happiness and eternal peace. May the long time sun shine upon you, and all love surround you.
Om shanti :-)

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